Monday, January 24, 2011

Weekend In Review

It was a 3 day weekend for us, and I'm sitting here wondering where it went.  I guess that is what happens, when you have something to do and somewhere to be every single day.

Jeff and I visited the Home Show on Friday afternoon.  And, since we live in a 20 year old home, we could talk to just about everyone in every booth and find something to do at our house.  Instead we chose to meet with a few people in the upcoming weeks to discuss windows and water treatment systems. 

We really need new windows in the back of the house.  The one door/window doesn't even close completely.  I sit and watch the dollar signs float out the area in between the door and the wall.  Here is my problem....

Have you seen the price of doors/windows?  I thought needing a new mattress was bad.  I guess when you only need to replace something every 20-30 years, they really get you on it. 

Oh, yeah.  The mattress.  We need one of those too.  My chiropractor would appreciate me not getting a new one, seeing as I'm keeping him in business.  I'm tired of not sleeping.  4 to 5 hours a night just doesn't do it for me!

Kyle's grades were posted, which caused me to have a momentary meltdown.  His math exam grade posted as a 2 F.  Yes, you read that right.  2!  After questioning him like he was being held for a criminal investigation, I emailed his teacher requesting how he could have possibly only gotten a 2. 

Did she give him credit for putting his name on the top of the paper?

In the end, it was the 2 points that were eligible for the written portion.  The main test hadn't been graded yet and posted.  The 2 was supposed to be hidden from view.  I can't even imagine how many emails that teacher received from parents!

Kyle passed every exam and actually passed every class this quarter.  A few classes, he just skimmed by, but I'm relieved that the tutor is working out. Here is to looking at Second Semester with high hopes!

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